Optical Sound Program Zagreb

Salon Izidor Kršnjavi, School of Applied Arts and Design, Trg maršala Tita 11, Zagreb

Curators: Bernarda Cesar & Marija Juza

Photo Gallery

Exhibition 21 03 17 bis 31 03 17
Opening 21 03 17 19:00

Klaus Filip and noid
Sound illuminating a room. Looking with the ears.

Tamara Wilhelm
Fade out

Vanda Kreutz
Invisible Light

Opening concert 21 03 17 19:30

Klaus Filip and noid
Sonic Luz
The comeback of the optosonic synthesiser.

Tamara Wilhelm
DIY noise machines

Workshops 22 03 16:00

Klaus Filip and noid
Playing Sonic Luz

Tamara Wilhelm
Building DIY noise machines

Panel discussion Beyond the Surface 22 03 18:30

Elisabeth Schimana
Optical Sound in Austria and Russia

Klaus Filip and noid
The Making of photophon und Sonic Luz

Tamara Wilhlem
The Making of fade out

Vanda Kreutz
The Making of Invisible Light

Miodrag Gladovic & Bojan Gagic
The Making of Lightune.G

Hrvoje Hiršl
The Making of Interference

Vitar Drinković
Process of perception

Ivan Marušić Klif
Somehow, everything starts with a dot