IMAfocus Optical Sound

21 03 2017 – 31 03 2017 | Salon Izidor Kršnjavi (School of Applied Arts and Design) | Zagreb | PROGRAM
in cooperation with UBU (Organizam)

27 07 2017 20:30 | Strandbad Drosendorf | in cooperation with filmclub Drosendorf | moderation: Cordula Bösze | curators: Elisabeth Schimana and Peter Szely | PROGRAM

11 10 2017 – 13 10 2017 | Freiraum St. Pölten, FH St. Pölten | in cooperation with Freiraum and FH St. Pölten, UBU and Sintoment Zagreb | curator: Elisabeth Schimana | PROGRAM

Lichttonscheiben (Sonic Luz)
© noid

Light speaks, light makes music

With these words Emerich Spielmann presented the Superpiano on a program broadcast on the Vienna radio station RAVAG in 1929. In 1931 Leon Theremin developed the first optical sound rhythm machine (Rhythmicon) and in the early 30s the Russian composer Arseny Avraamov as well as the German filmmaker Oskar Fischinger began drawing sound waves on film.

In the late 50s Daphne Oram created Oramics, meanwhile in N.Y. at the same time the Austrian composer Max Brand developed an optical synthesizer, which was based on the same principle as Daphne Oram’s Oramic system.

In a series of exhibitions, workshops, talks, and concerts artists and researchers are invited to illuminate the principles of optical sound and to transfer them into the 21st century.