Thomas Gorbach

© Jörg_Hempel

© Jörg_Hempel

VIOLA SYLVESTRIS (lat. Waldveilchen, stereo version, 2015, 16’42”,)
voice: Claudia Haber
comissioned by Gesäuse National Park and Made for Admont, Museum of The Benedictine Abbey of Admont

Viola Silvestris (lat. wood viola) is commissioned by Austrians’ youngest national park ‘Gesäuse’ and the modern art collection of the 941 years old abbey of Admont situated at the entrance of the park in the centre of Austria. From 1846 – 1925 there was a padre Gabriel Strobl who gathered flowers and 20 000 flies which he named and indexed systematically.
Like Strobl with his insects, i gathered nature sounds from the park to build a natural picture that is interrupted by human actions and goes to dramatized latin expressions of 41 flowers spoken by an actress. Now the drama of separating and cutting starts and leads to a world of dissonant rotating sounds, that won’t come together and stay uncombined in tension.

Viola sylvestris, Alnus incana, Cartaegus Oxyacantha, Berberis vulgaris, Cornus sanguinea, Daphne Mezereum, Helleborus niger, Euphorbia amygdaloides, Salvia glutinosa, Mentha sylvestris, Clinopodium vulgare, Euphrasia Odontites, Prunella vulgaris, Chaerophyllum hirsutum, Viola biflora, Fragaria vesca, Leontondon hastilis, Circaea alpina, Lysimachia nemorum, Festuca rubra gigantea, Aira caespitosa, Carex sylvatica, Agrostis vulgaris, Solidago virgaurea, Pteris aquilina, Asplenium Filix femina, Hieracium murorum, Gentiana asclepiadea, Prenanthes purpurea, Lactuca muralis, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Solidago virgaurea, Aira flexuosa, Hypericum quadrangulum, Luzula campestris, Oxalis Acetosella, Homogyne alpina, Veronica officinalis, Majanthemum bifolium, Hiracium Auricula, Potentilla Tormentilla;
