Spaces of Desire – Spaces of Phobia

Paul Scheibelhofer (A)

Contradictions of Male Homosociality

© Paul Scheibelhofer

© Paul Scheibelhofer

Whether in the schoolyard or on the playing field, on the battle field or on the screen, in the office or in prison: spaces where men come together are spread throughout society and have a big influence on dominant masculinity structures. This introductory speech takes a critical look at the complexity, fragility, and contradictory nature of male homosocial spaces under the prevailing conditions. Closer inspection shows that these spaces represent important levels of subjectivation and disciplining that are borne both by male intimacy and desire and institutions or sites of standardization and the reproduction of balances of power and violence. These intimate spaces are highly susceptible to crisis – and it is this susceptibility that can represent the point of departure for emancipatory alternatives.