Fond d’erreurs

Flo Menezes

© Flo Menezes

© Flo Menezes

Conceived initially as the music for an experimental video by Regina Johas, and thereafter as autonomous acousmatic piece in 16 channels, this piece has as inspiration a phrase by Gaston Bachelard: “That which is true suddenly emerges from a background of errors“ (« Le vrai apparaît soudain sur un fond d’erreurs  »). The work circumscribes a cycle departing and coming back to a deep sound layer of lowest sounds as a kind of history of the Universe and the emergence of life and music. The major part of structures, sections and durations of sounds is based on the Fibonacci series. Along the composition of the piece, which is the first one realized with the tridimensional version of the MPSP (MusicPanSPacen, in my software made in collaboration with André Perrotta), the gravitational waves were discovered.
