You Never Know notiert

Die Künstlerinnen Elisabeth Schimana und Hillevi Munthe entwerfen in einer viertägigen Klausur gemeinsam mit der Präservatorin Claudia Röck, spezialisiert auf Softwarebased Art, eine Notation für die interaktive Skulptur You Never Know. Hard- und Software werden unter die Lupe genommen, Prozesse analysiert und in eine Metasprache transferiert, die auch in 10000 Jahren noch Bestand haben sollte.

„As I said, the fact, that you took the initiative to write a score for your artwork in contrast to a conservator documenting an artwork in a museum, gives the score/documentation a different significance.

You did a lot of research and trial and error for your artwork. I think, it is part of the artwork. Would you like somebody else to continue that research and within which scope? How much additional creativity would be allowed? For instance, I am assuming, that the metal frame and the textile should be preserved and only the electronic parts be replaced, if broken. I am also assuming, that the Arduinos could be replaced by DIY electronic boards of a different brand (but not a desktop or laptop computer). The music and muscle wire score you described on the righthandside of the poster has to be followed and cannot be changed. I am further assuming that the technology of the muscle wires is a significant property of your artwork and must not be replaced by a different technology. Although a lot of testing went into the power supplies, they are not a significant property of the artwork.

Another, more practical question is, whether – if an institution or a private person bought your artwork – they would be able to continue that research process in order to “preserve” or perpetuate your artwork (most museums would have difficulties, I presume, as they have different insititutional goals and as many of them are lacking the knowledge/skills).“
Claudia Röck, 25. Dezember 2017