
virtueller salon #1 06
Seppo Gründler, Cordula Bösze und Sandra Naumann

Mary Ellen Bute / Lichtmusik – seeing sound


In digital and electronic art it is possible to transform apples to pears and this might be a problem. The dawn of software/tools made it extremely easy to cross media and to work in more than one field, especelly video in combination with sound. This fact has lead to a (at least for me) not so satisfying artistic output. I dont think that this comes from the “newness” of the media, I think this comes more from beeing overwhelmed and fascinated by the power of the new tools. This leads often to sloppy and unreflected works from artists which would never allow themeselves to work in such a way in their traditional fields.

Nevertheles we should not drop this topic and take a closer look at synesthetics, the correlation of light and sound and the meaning of transfering one media to the other.

I will try to establish this discussion alongside the life and work of Mary Ellen Bute, who was one of the pioneers researching the possibilities about the connection of light with music and vv. As a women she had to grab the chance of establishing her niche in a non mcp dominated field. (Seppo Gründler)