Sounding Visions – Daphne Oram’s sounding Utopia

Anna Steiden

“We have also sound-houses, where we practise and demonstrate all sounds, and their generation.…“. This passage of Fancis Bacon´s utopic novel The New Atlantis, was an important source of inspiration for Daphne Oram, British composer and pioneer of electronic music, whose life and work was marked by incredible imagination, however, but also by continuously encountering resistance. The presentation “Sounding Visions – Daphne Oram’s sounding Utopia” highlights her most creative period from setting up her own recording-studio, the Oramics Studio in Kent in the end of the 1950s, to the construction of the Oramics Machine and the publishing of her book An Individual Note Of Music, Sound and Electronics towards the end of the 1970s.
