The Secret Life of Plants in the Integrated Circuit

Verena Kuni (DE)

Intimate Inter-Species Communication in Times of Techno-Natures

© Verena Kuni

© Verena Kuni

In 1966 the polygraph expert Cleve Backster started to develop instruments in order to communicate with his office plants. His experiments were primarily concerned with para-psychological aspects – however, they were obviously interesting enough to inspire not only artists and amateur researchers, but also to generate debates among scientists.

Meanwhile more recent developments in the field(s) of bio-, information- and communication technologies have contributed their own part to open new perspectives on the ways plants communicate among each other and with other species – including experiments to activate bio-electronic interfaces to enable communication between humans and plants. On this background, the lecture will present a selection of historical as well as contemporary projects from scientists and artists dedicated to “the secret life of plans in integrated circuits.